Incorrect subject values in REST API for member Sektion Medienpadagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Erziehungswissenschaft - DGfE (10.21240) journals
Reported in community forum
Observed behavior
The journal Ludwigsburger Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik (ISSN 21904790) is indexed with the subject "General Medicine"
The journal MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung (ISSN 14243636) "Pharmacology"
The topic of both of those journals is Media Education. Neither has anything to do with medicine or phramacology.
Expected behavior
Based on a search at neither of those journals is indexed in Scopus, so neither should have any subject value in our API.
How urgent
Definition of ready
Product owner: @ppolischuk1 -
Tech lead: @dtkaczyk -
Service:: label applied -
Definition of done updated -
Acceptance testing plan: -
Weight applied
Definition of done
Unit tests identified, implemented, and passing -
Code reviewed -
Available for acceptance testing via a staging URL, or otherwise -
Consider any impacts to current or future architecture/infrastructure, and update specifications and documentation as needed -
Knowledge base reviewed and updated -
Public documentation reviewed and updated -
Acceptance criteria met -
Investigate why example journals not indexed in SCOPUS are returning invalid subject terms -
Fix if straightforward, otherwise file a follow-on issue to implement the fix
Acceptance testing passed -
Deployed to production
Edited by Patrick Polischuk