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Android link fix

Jose Ardila requested to merge feature/linkFix into develop


  • Users can’t get past the welcome screen when running Android 10 or older.
  • The “Scan Configurations” option can be selected, but the Admin View can’t. The Exam View option also appears to be registering the tap but can’t be selected until a protocol is loaded. Since all the options on this page are of type “a href”, I wonder if the symptom is caused by a different change from that merge request. Maybe it has to do with something changed in the admin view.

Note: This is weird behavior but from a quick research seems to be that href="#" overrides the onclick event on some Android devices. I had added href="#" to some links to fix accessibility issues, which could have broken the Android usability which is not common HTML/JS behavior.

Fix: For the welcome screen I made the links into buttons which should work fine, test pending, but for other links that should stay as link (a href) then I'll need to test replacing (a href="#") in favor of (a href="javascript:void(0)") or leave empty which means reverting this: e7a63b7b

Edited by Jose Ardila

Merge request reports