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### RELEASE 5.0.0

Login codeigniter repo, this project use session files, but optionalli check agains IMAP or DBMS, using core controller

*  webappweb/core/CP_Controller.php       : core controller that all the other inherit to check session
*  webappweb/controllers/Indexauth.php  : Login controller mechanish to init or end session
*  webappweb/controllers/Indexhome.php  : Another page entry, to exemplify check valid sesion object
*  webappweb/models/Usersmodel.php      : Verification logic performed against the database
*  webappweb/config/imap.php              : configuration of the mail IMAP host to check auth
*  webappweb/config/database.php       : configuration of the DataBase host to check auth
*  webappdb/codeigniter.sql                   :  SQL example to use in your DB, configure it on config/database.php
*  webappweb/libraries/Imap.php           :  Imap class that refine the php-imap interface, used for IMAP auth check
*  webappweb/views/homesview.php    :  rendering page only viewable under valid session
*  webappweb/views/inicion.php            :  Login view page for init the sesion process