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add atom ide support

Daniel Frost requested to merge Danfro/clickable:dev_atom_ide into dev

This MR works on the clickable side to implement atom ide support. There will be another MR to the docker container repo too.

depends on clickable-docker-images!60 (merged)

What works:

  • start atom at the folder where clickable is run
  • build pure qml app with clickable using the atom-clickable-plugin
  • build cmake app with clickable using the atom-clickable-plugin

What needs to be worked on:

  1. error after closing atom done
  2. cmake configuring (?)
  3. code cleanup of unneeded parts
  4. test on a machine where no atom is installed

I did copy moste of the code from qtcreator ide support files. I do not really know which code parts for cmake are needed and if I need to apply further changes.

Regarding 1.

After closing atom, an error is given.

Command exited with non-zero exit status 1, see above for details. This is most likely not a problem with Clickable.

Full --verbose output is here: pastebin

I somehow suspect this command to be blamed for the error.

Regarding 2.

I mainly copied the code regarding cmake over and amended things that seemed obvious to me. But most of it I do not fully understand. It would be great if someone with more knowledge could check this.

Regarding 3.

Maybe some parts are not needed at all. But same as 2., someone with deeper knowledge can hopefully help me out here.

Edited by Jonatan Hatakeyama Zeidler

Merge request reports