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  • Brad Warren's avatar
    Take advantage of urllib3 pyopenssl rewrite (#3805) · edbb3a73
    Brad Warren authored
    * pin requests version in py26-oldest
    * Determine requests security deps dynamically
    Starting with requests 2.12, pyasn1 and ndg-httpsclient are no longer
    needed to inject pyopenssl into urllib3. This change allows us to
    determine whether or not these dependencies are required at install
    time. If an older version of requests is used, these packages are
    still installed. If a new version of requests is used, they are not
    reducing the number of dependencies we have.
    * Bump requests version in certbot-auto
    * Use pkg_resources in activate test
    Due to pip's lack of dependency resolution, the change to use
    requests[extras] causes errors in acme.util_test because pkg_resources
    accurately detects the "missing" dependency.
    There isn't a real problem here. The problem comes from a brand new
    requests and ancient pyopenssl as well as a unit test for
    functionality we plan to remove in our next release. I modified
    the unit test to fix the problem for now.
    * Use six instead of pkg_resources for test
    * Require requests<=2.11.1 in py27-oldest test
    If we don't do this, we get test failures for the certbot package
    which is actually a good thing! pkg_resources is catching the
    unlikely but possible problem I describe in #3803 and erroring out
    saying it is missing the necessary dependencies to run certbot.
    Good job package resources.
    * Undo changes to acme.util_test