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Deprecations: implement buffered list of deprecations

Jason Plum requested to merge deprecations-template-cleanup into master

Implement a buffer list of all deprecations, providing all deprecations at one time. This allow better user experience in place of iteratively finding/changing each value.

This will also assist with the maintenance of the deprecation lists, as it allows grouping via called templates in templates/_deprecations.tpl

Example command and output:

$ helm install . -n t --dry-run \
    --set \
    --set gitlab.unicorn.lfs.connection.s3=2 \
    --set \
    --set registry.minio.enabled=true

Error: render error in "gitlab/templates/NOTES.txt": template: gitlab/templates/NOTES.txt:12:3: executing "gitlab/templates/NOTES.txt" at <include "gitlab.depr...>: error calling include: template: gitlab/templates/_deprecations.tpl:26:61: executing "gitlab.deprecations" at <fail>: error calling fail: 

    The `lfs.connection` declarations have been moved into a secret. Please create a secret with these contents, and set `gitlab.unicorn.lfs.connection.secret`

    Chart-local configuration of Minio features has been moved to global. Please remove `registry.minio.enabled` from your properties, and set `global.minio.enabled` instead.

    The `storage` property has been moved into a secret. Please create a secret with these contents, and set `storage.secret`.

cc @marin

Merge request reports