Currently, it is not possible to use ElasticSearch to improve the searching capabilities of GitLab using the charts.
Gitlab::Elastic::Indexer::Error: log writing failed. failed to resolve path '/var/opt/gitlab/repo/@hashed/58/08/580811fa95269f3ecd4f22d176e079d36093573680b6ef66fa341e687a15b5da.git': No such file or di...
Recently, our ElasticSearch functionality has removed the need for shared storage, allowing us to support this with CNG.
We should add that support. We should just need to add the new indexer binary to the images.
We should ensure the documentation for setting up ElasticSearch has been added to the documentation. Examples would be great, as it will have to be an external ES cluster.
@marin The upstream issue has been fixed and merged into master 2 weeks ago. Given that, and no further roadblocks, is there an expected timeframe in which this issue will be fixed?
@ibaumGITALY_CONNECTION_INFO will be set by gitlab-ce (sidekiq in all cases, I believe) when it runs gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer as a subprocess. No need to set it explicitly in the charts.
The plan for the Ruby indexer is to remove it in %12.0: - switching from on-filesystem to gitaly support is a big engineering challenge, so I'd personally be against investing that time into something we're planning to remove very soon anyway.
gitlab-org/build/CNG!213 (merged) is merged and the 1.8 release of the chart (containing GitLab 11.10) will have support for elasticsearch through the new indexer