Upgrade to 1.0.1: Deployment.apps "gitlab-minio" is invalid / no ConfigMap with the name "gitlab-workhorse-config" found
while trying to upgrade the chart 0.3.5 to 1.0.1 I am experiencing some problems. I know that upgrading from a beta version will probably not be officially supported, but as I see the problem is not related to beta and it still might be of interest to others even for later versions.
First try:
helm upgrade -f gitlab.values.yaml --install --namespace gitlab --timeout 600 gitlab gitlab/gitlab
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: Deployment.apps "gitlab-minio" is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value && Deployment.apps "gitlab-redis" is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: Required value
This seems to be the root cause - however when I debug the chart (using helm template
) I can see that the images are not missing:
# Source: gitlab/charts/minio/templates/minio_deployment.yaml
- name: minio
image: minio/minio:RELEASE.2017-12-28T01-21-00Z
# Source: gitlab/charts/redis/templates/deployment.yaml
- name: redis
image: "redis:3.2.6"
Due to a possible Helm bug the error message differs for subsequent calls:
helm upgrade -f gitlab.values.yaml --install --namespace gitlab --timeout 600 gitlab gitlab/gitlab
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: no ConfigMap with the name "gitlab-workhorse-config" found
One of the workarounds suggested is to delete the conflicting resources:
kubectl delete ConfigMap/gitlab-workhorse-config Service/gitlab-nginx-ingress-controller-metrics Service/gitlab-nginx-ingress-controller-stats --namespace gitlab
But this doesn't really help as I'm now receiving the first error again.
Any chance to upgrade without losing data and configuration?