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  • Patrick Hobusch's avatar
    Replace usages of Helm release revision with a stable hash · e15c0c2b
    Patrick Hobusch authored
    Originally jobs in GitLab were suffixed with the Helm
    `.Release.Revision` which was not ideal because it would always cause an
    update of the job when running `helm upgrade --install`, even if nothing
    has changed. And it also prevented the proper work with workflows that
    are based on `helm template` for example when using ArgoCD. The decision
    to use the `.Release.Revision` in the name was based on the
    preconditions that the job might only be executed once and that
    `helm uninstall` wouldn't delete jobs, which are (now) wrong.
    Now, job names by default are suffixed with a hash that is based on the
    chart's app version and the chart's values, which also might contain the
    `global.gitlabVersion`. This approach ensures job names remain stable
    across multiple `helm template` and `helm upgrade --install` executions
    (if nothing changed), and it's even possible to modify values of
    immutable fields of the job without errors during deployments (the jobs
    are ju...