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New features

    - Add :class:`batman.functions.run_mascaret`,
    - Add *Evofusion* with :class:`batman.surrogate.multifidelity`,
    - Add *Expected Improvement* with :func:``,
    - Be able to have a discrete parameter.


    - Allow ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` in ``@multi_eval``,
    - Add some analytical functions for optimization and multifidelity tests,
    - Do not use anymore ``.size`` for space sizing,
    - Add test for DoE,
    - Add PDFs of references to doc,
    - Refinements methods work with discrete values using an optimizer decorator,
    - Changed some loops in favor of list comprehensions,
    - Clean UI by removing prediction option,
    - Remove MPI dependencie.

Bug fixes

    - Sensitivity indices with n-dimensional output changing ``Martinez``,
    - A copy of the space is done for scaled points for surrogate fitting,
    - Uniform sampling was not set properly,
    - Backend for ``matplotlib`` is now properly switched,
    - POD quality was not computed in case of varying number of modes.