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  • Mike Walker's avatar
    Provide initial support for windows in docker executor · 013c3143
    Mike Walker authored and Chris Hunt's avatar Chris Hunt committed
    The docker executor has been updated to provide initial support for docker containers on windows. The executor works, but has some limitations:
    * We have included a Dockerfile to create the windows helper image. The helper image is not compiled into the runner using bindata due to the size of Windows container. At the moment, when using the default helper, it must be present locally.
        * The behavior of `getPrebuiltImage()` on windows is different from linux. If the image does not exist locally, it will try to pull from remote. Since the current name does not point to a public repository, this will always fail.
        * We'd like to propose changing the default helper name/tag to match a public repository. We could then alter the behavior of `getPrebuiltImage()` so that it does: 1) Looks for image locally, 2) Tries to extract from bindata (linux only), 3) Pulls from public repository (linux and windows)
        * The `helper_image` option has been added t...