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v.0.8.4 - Tag: 0.8.4 Released 2021-05-17

Implemented ProcessesUtils.get_process_fds(PID)

Added Operstate, to display is Network Interface is Up or Down.

Added basic Unit Test for CTOP with iterations mode 3, 2 and 1.

Updated library fileutils and test_fileutils. Update is to methods not used by CTOP. Maintenance update.

Added library PythonUtils to detect Python version.

Now CTOP shows Python Version in execution.

New functionality so if a unit is greater or equal to 1,000, decimals can be removed.

Changed "GiB" display units to "GB"

Fixed bug in Python2 with decimals, changes ins StringUtils and NetworkUtils:
Fixes #39

Fixed bug when there were "memory read errors" but not "memory errors"
Fixes #40