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Add checkpoints for May 15 2022 upgrade for main and testnet chains


This is in preparation for release.

This adds a checkpoint for mainnet, testnet3, and testnet4 on the activation block of the May 15, 2022 upgrade (that is, the first block mined under new rules).

Test Plan

  • verify the given block heights and hashes match the respective chains and actually exist on those chains!
    • mainnet has an additional newer checkpoint added as well for good measure
  • to verify the activation block, you can use the attached shell script, or use a block explorer or a node to verify that the block's MTP is the first block mined after the previous block had MTP >= 1652616000 (activation rules are weird).

The below script may also be used, but it requires a local full node and you must set vars CONF= in the script to have it search for the activation block. You don't have to use this script -- it's just here for reference as to how I got the activation blocks.

Merge request reports