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  • BigBlockIfTrue's avatar
    Merge manpage generation into the build system · e7b14eec
    BigBlockIfTrue authored
    This ensures the installed manpages always match the installed version,
    and simplifies the release process. An optional dependency on `help2man`
    is added (default on, can be avoided with `-DENABLE_MAN=OFF`).
    Since the autotools build system is deprecated, manpages are simply
    removed from the autotools build.
    Manpages are intended to be used on Unix-like platforms. Therefore, the
    build instructions for Windows include `-DENABLE_MAN=OFF`, and in Gitian
    manpages are now excluded from the Windows releases (zip file and
    This also fixes a bug in the Gitian build where it would unnecessarily
    extract the source tarball without using the extracted stuff.
    Test plan:
    * `./;./configure --enable-deprecated-build-system;make
    * `cmake -GNinja . -DENABLE_MAN=OFF;ninja install`
    * `cmake -GNinja . -DENABLE_MAN=ON;ninja install;man bitcoind`
    * Gitian builds for all platforms (verify hashes, inspect
    Linux/MacOS/Windows zip files, try Windows installer)
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