Confidence interval for descriptors
As @bienvenu suggested:
But for the report we should also provide "confidence intervals" for the descriptors of the extended models, or things like this. I think the main question a biologist can ask themselves are:
- what classes are sensitive to heterogeneities -> [See #119 ]
- how reliable are the descriptors
Here is a draft proposal for a function that do just that by performing n random expansions:
model = mpm.examples.orcinus_orca
classes = [0,1,3]
descriptors= ['R0', 'mean_age_population', 'lifetable_entropy']
intraclass_heterogeneity_ci(model, descriptors, classes, number)
Text report:
Model: orcinus_orca
Expanding Class 0, 50 times
R0 2.013 ; 90% CI: (2.013 ; 2.014)
mean_age_population 26.22 ; 90% CI: (26.22 ; 26.22)
lifetable_entropy 0.8277 ; 90% CI: (0.8277 ; 0.8277)
Expanding Class 1, 50 times
R0 2.013 ; 90% CI: (2.004 ; 2.022)
mean_age_population 26.22 ; 90% CI: (26.12 ; 26.46)
lifetable_entropy 0.8277 ; 90% CI: (0.8267 ; 0.8295)
Expanding Class 3, 50 times
R0 2.013 ; 90% CI: (2.013 ; 2.013)
mean_age_population 26.22 ; 90% CI: (26.06 ; 26.47)
lifetable_entropy 0.8277 ; 90% CI: (0.8096 ; 0.8627)
Graph Report:
Here is the code:
Click to expand the code
model = mpm.examples.orcinus_orca
classes = [0,1,3]
descriptors=['R0', 'mean_age_population', 'lifetable_entropy']
number = 50
if descriptors is None:
descriptors = ["R0",
if classes == 'each':
classes = list(range(model.dim))
elif classes is None:
classes = ['all']
report = {"expanded_models":{}, "data":{}}
for c in classes:
if c == 'all':
z = np.zeros(m.dim, dtype=int) + 2
z = np.zeros(m.dim, dtype=int) + 1
z[c] += 1
if c not in report['expanded_models']:
report['expanded_models'][c] = []
report['data'][c] = {}
for r in range(number):
report['expanded_models'][c].append(mpm.expand.random_expansion(model, z))
except mpm.expand.ExpansionNotFound as ex:
print(z, ex)
for f in descriptors:
if f not in report['data'][c]:
report['data'][c][f] = []
report['data'][c][f].append(mpm.expand._evaluate(report['expanded_models'][c][-1], f))
# Text Report
print(f"Model: {model.metadata['ModelName']}")
for i,c in enumerate(classes):
print(f"Expanding Class {c}, {number} times")
for j,f in enumerate(descriptors):
qlow = np.quantile(report['data'][c][f], q)
qhigh = np.quantile(report['data'][c][f], 1-q)
val = mpm.expand._evaluate(model, f)
print(f'\t {f:20} {val:4.4} ; {1-2*q:2.0%} CI: ({qlow:4.4} ; {qhigh:4.4})')
# Graph Report
M = len(classes)
N = len(descriptors)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(N,M, figsize=(M*5,N*3))
q = 0.05
def hist(ax, c, f, xlabel=True, ylabel=True):
b = ax.hist(report['data'][c][f], alpha=0.5)
qlow = np.quantile(report['data'][c][f], q)
qhigh = np.quantile(report['data'][c][f], 1-q)
val = mpm.expand._evaluate(model, f)
if ylabel:
ax.set(ylabel=f'Frequency of\n {f} values')
ax.vlines(val, 0, np.max(b[0])+1, color='k', )
ax.hlines((np.max(b[0])+1)/2, qlow, qhigh, color='k', ls='--')
ax.text(0.95, 0.95,f'Model: {val:4.4}\n {1-2*q:2.0%} CI: ({qlow:4.4} ; {qhigh:4.4})',
transform = ax.transAxes)
if N==1:
for i,c in enumerate(classes):
hist(ax[i], c, f)
except Exception as ex:
if M==1:
for j,f in enumerate(descriptors):
hist(ax[j], c, f)
except Exception as ex:
for i,c in enumerate(classes):
for j,f in enumerate(descriptors):
hist(ax[j,i], c, f, ylabel=(i==0))
if j == 0:
ax[j,i].set(title=f"Expanding Class {c}, {number} times")
except Exception as ex: