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  • Arinerron's avatar
    See details · 8846dcc2
    Arinerron authored
    - Completes support for repositories
      - `./ create-repository [plugins...]`
      - `./ add-repository <block hash>`
      - `./ remove-repository <block hash>`
    - Fixes several misc bugs
    - Refactors code
      - Some messy code was rewritten
      - Variables renamed
      - Migrated old block api (insertBlock) to new Block API (onionrblockapi)
      - Kept to standards
      - Made code more reusable in ``
    - Improves logging messages
      - Added error output for some features missing it
      - Capitalized sentences
      - Added punctuation where it is missing
      - Switched `` and `logger.debug` in a few places, where it is logical
      - Removed or added timestamps depending on the circumstance
    - Added a few misc features
      - Added command aliases for `add-file` and `import-blocks`
      - Improved statistics menu
        - Displays `Known Block Count`
        - Calculates and displays `Percent Blocks Signed`