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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.4.4 protected
    9b8c910f · create cran release 0.4.4 ·
    Release: CRAN release 0.4.4
    * Add `useragent` to movebank requests (#93)
    * Ensure turn angles between -180 & 180 with changes in `units` (#94)
  • 0.4.2 protected
    600dfe32 · bump package version ·
    Release: CRAN release 0.4.2
    * Revert changes to deployment id as movebank seem to still return numeric ids (#92)
  • 0.4.0 protected
    482d44b5 · update test ·
    Release: CRAN release 0.4.0
  • 0.3.0 protected
    a5cf101c · cran release ·
    Release: CRAN release 0.3.0
    * Fix assertion messaging in `movebank_retrieve`
    * Resolve some telemetry import issues (#65)
    * Support reading zip files from Env-DATA (#49)
    * If `lubridate` is installed improve the printing of the average track duration
    * Prevent superfluous printing of join column in `mt_track_lines`
    * Improve printing error for multiple studies matching (see #71, @robitalec)
    * Make it possible to find unique with tolerances in `mt_unique`
    * Assigning in grouped `move2` retains class
    * Remove ASU units as they are not recognized by `units` (#67)
    * Fix error in matching data when order of tracks differed in `mt_as_track_data` (#73)
    * make `setOldClass` inherit `sf` so S4 methods like `mapView` work
    * `.keep` in `mt_as_event_attribute` incorrectly did not add column (#74)
    * Using `"merge_list"` results in list columns in `track_data` with `mt_stack`, "merge" now returns unique values (#72, Bruno Caneco)
    * Update vocabulary (note speed accuracy had incorrect units)
    * Update vocabulary to version released in January 2024 (note speed accuracy had incorrect units, #69)
    * When `mt_set_track_id` now returns a list column the lists are unnamed
    * Fix `mt_has_unique_location_time_records` failing with `int64` `POSIXct` combination (#79)
  • 0.2.7 protected
    e5f79560 · cran submit ·
    Release: CRAN release 0.2.7
    * Add "transmission-end" & "dead/fall-off" to deployment end type to read data correctly
    * `mt_interpolate` works when column named `x` or `time` is present
    * `mt_interpolate` works when timezone of `time` is different
  • 0.2.4 protected
    b98741ae · cran submit ·
    * Update vocabulary handling with new movebank vocabulary
    * Correct reading of `migration_stage_standard`
    * Prevent warning when download does not contain location data (#63)
    * Allow dates for `timestamp_start` and `timestamp_end`
    * Resolve `group_by_track_data` assumed a fixed track id column name
    * Add `track_id_column` and `time_column` to printing
    * Optionally set track id with track data column, error if both are present (#59)
    * Error when new track identifier contains duplicated rows in track data (#58)
    * Add argument `.keep` to `mt_as_track_attribute` and `mt_as_event_attribute` 
    * `st_crop` and `st_intersection` from sf now retain attributes reported by @mscacco
    * Prevent error with `mt_stack` on single object by forcing units to be double
    * Convert integer `track_id` to factor when stacking (#50, partially)
    * Make sure factor levels are ordered when converting to move (#40)
    * Add `mt_aeqd_crs` to calculated centered crs (#42)
    * `mt_segments` now also works for character track id columns (#51)
    * `mt_as_event_attribute` now not only removes first column (#45)
    * Make it possible to set units in calculation functions (#47)
    * In `mt_as_move2` assert time validity on creation (#46)
    * Support converting from ctmm `telemetry` and `track_xyt` thanks to @anneks (#53 & #54)
    * Implement `rowwise` function (#62)
  • 0.2.6 protected
    580c4c46 · 2.6 version ·
    Release: CRAN release 0.2.6
    * `bind_cols` and `st_join` retains class for `tbl` by fixing reconstruct function
    * `st_join` works for data.frame based `move2`
  • 0.2.2 protected
    # move2 0.2.2
    * Improve error reporting time ordered
    * Improve error reporting when searching `id` with study name
    * Ensure right column is made into `sf_column` when data contains multiple spatial columns (potential problems with 
        argos gps data)
    * Improve message when no data is available for download
    * Leading and trailing white spaces are not trimmed in data downloaded from Movebank (#38)
    * Use a underscore as a separator in `mt_read` when pasting tag and individual names (#37)
    * `mt_set_track_id` retains class of track data (#37)
  • 0.2.0 protected
    65913df0 · dont run updates ·
    The initial CRAN release of the package