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- Added a new counter for Great Patrons, removing an error where Patronage Great Musicians increased the cost for Great Patrons.
- Fixed a lot of tooltips.
- Moved some of the XML to CIV5Controls so that people could edit hotkeys more easily. (Thanks ImmosS!) I will try to notify when I'm changing this file.
- Added Switzerland from Lekmod. (Thanks EAP.) Quick description: +2 gold, science, hammer in each city working a merchant slot. Unique armory that spawns a unique longsword with 3 move, and confers a promo which gives +1 move when unit starts turn near mountain.
- Made Cuba only read off team culture; removed the free GWIs and moved the GWIs to Electricity instead of Industrialization. 
- Ideo changes:
- Freedom T1 Economic Union now works. +10% gold instead of the previous +8%.
- Freedom T2 Capitalism now has Banks, Markets, luxury buildings. Provides +1 happiness and +1 gold from each.
- Freedom T1 Universal Healthcare now gives a production bonus to Hospitals, as it should have ealrier.
- Freedom T2 Alternative Energy buildings now come at Replaceable Parts instead of Electronics.
- Order T2 People's Army nerfed to 2/2 sci/culture from 3/3.