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Huey Teocalli: Replaces Borobudur. Available at Theology. Requires fresh water. +2 food, culture from lakes, +1 faith from river tiles, engineer point, 4 base faith. Units trained in the city get 50% faith from kills.
Himeji: Instead of a free experience promotion, now gives units trained in the city a promotion where they heal 15 HP from kills.
Great Firewall: Now gives +50% experience.

Bombers: Bombardment promo now only applies to non-tank land units. Air Ambush now available from spawn, and has three levels. Air Ambush 3 now leads to Air Repair.
Air Units: GWB to 7 range, triplanes to 5 range in accordance with Lekmod.
Gunpowder units: Now do not receive Mystic Blade. (You win, EU.)

Social Policies:
Honor: Discipline no longer gives +50% experience.
Patronage: Free musicians now have +4 move, as they should.
Aesthetics: Aesthetics 1 changed from +3 food/hammers per Artist/Writer/Music guild to +2 food per culture specialist.

Wealth of Nations down to +1 gold from trading posts and +5 gold from Merchants. 
Economic Union changed from +10% gold for internals to +5% production for internals.
Alternative Energy: solar and nuclear plants now provide an additional +10% production, so they provide +25% production total.
Capitalism moved to Tier 1. Provides +1 happiness for luxury buildings (NOT stone works/circus) and markets/banks.
Free Mind moved to Tier 2 (it's definitely too weak for a t2, I just needed the space and no one was picking it).

United Front now no longer applies to Unique Improvements. Gives an additional +1 culture to forts and citadels.
Iron Fist no longer gives +50% experience.
Nationalism now provides 25% upgrade cost discount.

Cuba now gets 1 culture for each 4 culture in a team member's cap instead of 1 for every 5.
Ayyubids: Gained another faith from the university, for a total of 3. Workers now have +50% improvement speed.
Korea: Now provides +1 food from science buildings instead of the production bonus towards science buildings. (probably should have just left this but whatever). Unique university moved to a unique public school, with the same +2 science per luxury effect. Unique rocket artillery unit which comes earlier but is much weaker (test case for intermediate rocket arty unit).
Timurids: UU is now an Anti-Aircraft gun with 3 range.

Pontoon bridges can now be built anywhere for sea forting.