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lanelet2 decision maker mr

Related Issues

This is a part of transition from Aisan vector map format to Lanelet2 format.
autoware#17 (closed)

Related MR

This must be merged after common!50 (merged).


This feature adds support for lanelet2 to decision_maker node. Its function is similar to original decision_maker node, but uses Lanelet2 map instead of Aisan Vector Map.

Implementation considerations

Although the this issue explains that all lanelet2 features will be added as new node, I have made decision_maker an exception to this approach. This is because decision_maker was a relatively large node compared to other nodes, and implementing it as new node would be too many codes to be duplicated, which I thought would reduce ease of maintenance in the future.

Test Procedure


  1. Download following files: autoware_mapping_example2.osm, lanelet_tf.launch, waypoints.csv, and decision_maker.rviz
  2. Run roslaunch runtime_manager runtime_manager.launch
  3. Go to "Map" tab and load autoware_mapping_example.osm and lanelet_tf.launch.

  4. Go to Computing Tab and start lane_rule, lane_stop, lane_select, astar_avoid, pure_pursuit, twist_filter, and wf_simulator with default option.

  5. Click [app] for vel_pose_connect, turn on "Simulation Mode", and launch vel_pose_connect.

  6. start rviz from terminal rviz
  7. load decision_maker.rviz from "File"->"Open Config"
  8. Set simulated position for wf_simulator using 2D Pose Estimate.

Start decision_maker

  1. Launch decision_maker, run roslaunch decision_maker decision_maker.launch use_ll2:=true sim_mode:=true
  2. Load waypoints by rosrun waypoint_maker waypoint_loader _multi_lane_csv:=/path/to/waypoints.csv based/lane_waypoints_raw:=based/lane_waypoints_array
  3. Go to rviz and click engage button in decision_maker panel, and vehicle should start moving.
  4. when baselink is in intersection, lamp_cmd should be published with 'l: 1' indicating that vehicle is turn left. Check it by rostopic echo /lamp_cmd
  seq: 5639
    secs: 1569772214
    nsecs: 392831404
  frame_id: ''
l: 1
r: 0
  1. confirm that vehicle stops when vehicle approaches to stopline.
Edited by mitsudome-r

Merge request reports
