vasp calculator: small fix for xdat2traj to map forces correctly to atoms
This MR contains a small fix to ase.calculators.vasp.xdat2traj to ensure that the mapping of the atoms and the forces are consistently maintained.
I have illustrated the problem with a simple vasp calculation below (performed using the jasp wrapper -
#+BEGIN_SRC python
from jasp import *
from ase import Atoms, Atom
from ase.visualize import view
from ase.structure import molecule
from import Trajectory
# make an unsorted water molecule
atoms = Atoms([Atom('H', [ 0., 0.76, -0.5]),
Atom('O', [0., 0., 0.12]),
Atom('H', [0., -0.76, -0.5])],
cell = [10, 9, 11])
JASPRC['queue.nprocs'] = 1
# Cheap calculation to relax atoms
with jasp('/scratch365/pmehta1/calculations/xdat-test4',
encut = 200,
xc = 'PBE',
isif = 2,
ibrion = 2,
atoms=atoms) as calc:
print "Forces for relaxed configuration:"
for sym, force in zip(atoms.get_chemical_symbols(), atoms.get_forces()):
print sym, force
# Read the trajectory
xd = xdat2traj(calc=calc)
traj = Trajectory('out.traj')
print "Forces for final traj image:"
image = traj[-1]
for sym, force in zip(image.get_chemical_symbols(), image.get_forces()):
print sym, force
With the original code, I get the following output. Note that the atoms for the trajectory image are sorted, but the forces are not mapped correctly.
: Forces for relaxed configuration:
: H [ 0. -0.025 -0.036]
: O [ 0. 0. 0.072]
: H [ 0. 0.025 -0.036]
: Forces for final traj image:
: H [ 0. -0.025 -0.036]
: H [ 0. 0. 0.072]
: O [ 0. 0.025 -0.036]
With the modified code, I get this. In this case the atoms are not sorted, and the forces are consistent.
: Forces for relaxed configuration:
: H [ 0. -0.025 -0.036]
: O [ 0. 0. 0.072]
: H [ 0. 0.025 -0.036]
: Forces for final traj image:
: H [ 0. -0.025 -0.036]
: O [ 0. 0. 0.072]
: H [ 0. 0.025 -0.036]
Note: To get the sorted trajectory, with we need to simply run xdat2traj without the calculator argument, i.e., xd = xdat2traj().