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2011.07.14, Version 0.5.1 (unstable)

* #1233 Fix os.totalmem on FreeBSD amd64 (Artem Zaytsev)

* #1149 IDNA and Punycode support in url.parse
  (Jeremy Selier, Ben Noordhuis, isaacs)

* Export $CC and $CXX to uv and V8's build systems

* Include pthread-win32 static libraries in build (Igor Zinkovsky)

* #1199, #1094 Fix fs can't handle large file on 64bit platform (koichik)

* #1281 Make require a public member of module (isaacs)

* #1303 Stream.pipe returns the destination (Elijah Insua)

* #1229 Addons should not -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 (Brian White)

* libuv backend improvements

* Upgrade V8 to 3.4.10