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2010.02.17, Version 0.1.29

  * Major API Changes
    - Remove 'file' module
    - require('posix') -----------------> require('fs')
    - ---------------------------> fs.readFile
    - file.write -----------------------> fs.writeFile
    - TCP 'receive' event --------------> 'data'
    - TCP 'eof' event ------------------> 'end'
    - TCP send() -----------------------> write()
    - HTTP sendBody() ------------------> write()
    - HTTP finish() --------------------> close()
    - HTTP 'body' event ----------------> 'data'
    - HTTP 'complete' event ------------> 'end'
    - http.Client.prototype.close() (formerly finish()) no longer
      takes an argument. Add the 'response' listener manually.
    - Allow strings for the flag argument to
      ("r", "r+", "w", "w+", "a", "a+")

  * Added multiple arg support for sys.puts(), print(), etc.

  * sys.inspect(Date) now shows the date value (Mark Hansen)

  * Calculate page size with getpagesize for armel (Jérémy Lal)

  * Bugfix: stderr flushing.

  * Bugfix: Promise late chain (Yuichiro MASUI)

  * Bugfix: wait() on fired promises
    (Felix Geisendörfer, Jonas Pfenniger)

  * Bugfix: Use InstanceTemplate() instead of PrototypeTemplate() for
    accessor methods. Was causing a crash with Eclipse debugger.
    (Zoran Tomicic)

  * Bugfix: Throw from connection.connect if resolving.
    (Reported by James Golick)