Basic screen aspect ratio failures: Text
As screens get broader, so does our text. Funnily, I'm completely blind to this. I had comparison of the same menu screen in 21:9 (why isn't that called 7:3?) aspect ratio and 4:3, trying to eyeball things. I see no problem. Wife comes in, goes "Ewww, that's stretched". I see that both show the identical content, break tooltip lines at the same spots, have the same number of menu items on screen. But I don't see any stretching. I say "Yeah, it may be", she goes "It is, trust me"...
@Armanelgtron already developed patches over on the ap branch, I'll mostly just steal them.
We should only fix the minimum on 0.2.9, get it to the acceptable level. The proper ultrawide fixes, where we also allow users to not spread the HUD over the entire width, should be done on 0.4.