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  • John Johansen's avatar
    expand automated profile generation to to allow profile generation from stdin · 562eb639
    John Johansen authored
    This extends the auto-profile generation so that it can take profiles formated
    in standard profile language augemented by a few special variables for
    the automatically generated rules.  This will all extended the regression
    tests in ways that are not currently supported, because mkprofile format
    does not match of the profile language.
    the special apparmorish variables are
    @{gen_elf name} - generate rules for elf binaries
    @{gen_bin name} - generate rules for a binary
    @{gen_def} - generate default rules
    @{gen name} - do @{gen_def} @{gen_bin name}
    To generate a profile you do
    genprofile --stdin <<EOF
    /profile/name {
    @{gen /profile/name}
    eg. to generate the equivalent of
    you would do
      genprofile --stdin <<EOF
      $test {
      @{gen $test}
    and the equiv of
      genprofile $file:rw
    would be
      genprofile --stdin <<EOF
      $test {
      @{gen $test}
      $file rw,
    while it takes a little more to generate a base profile than the old syntax, it
    use the actual profile language (augmented with the special variables), it is a
    lot more flexible, and a lot easier to expand when new rule types are added.
    eg. of something not possible with the current auto generation
        Generate a profile with a child profile and hat and a trailing profile
    genprofile --stdin <<EOF
    $test {
    @{gen $test}
      profile $bin/open {
    @{gen $bin/open}
      ^hatfoo {
         $file rw,
    profile $bin/exec {
    @{gen $bin/exec}
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohn Johansen <>
    Acked-By: default avatarSteve Beattie <>