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[file] temp()- generate a temporary file.
[PHP Pools] phpinfo() section.
[UI] clear(), exists() helper methods in menu to empty/check entries in menu templates (see

[DNS] removing similar records dumps record cache.
[Filesystem] disable project quotas if XFS features cannot support concurrent group + project quotas.
[misc] notify-installed() always uses IP address.
[Opcenter] deletion blocked by missing "apache" user.
[Opcenter] double-parsing "null" is converted to null literal for provider default.

[Ansible] apply 2.9.16 hotfix for C7 platforms.
[apnscp.js] preserve hash keys for future compatibility with named argument invocation.
[DNS] bypass uneditable NS apex records.
[FST] relocate p11-kit into siteinfo for imagick dependency.
[Let's Encrypt] admin can toggle between EC/RSA server certificate.
[UI] check for plan-specific menus.