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  • Hephaestus Builder's avatar
    NEW: rspamd · e7e124c1
    Hephaestus Builder authored
    NEW: postsrsd, create new envelope for forwarded mail
    NEW: apnscp_update_policy, yum_update_policy: control panel/OS updates (apnscp-vars.yml)
    FIX: alias expansion (mail/configure-postfix)
    FIX: virtual_mailbox_limit less than $message_size_limit (mail/configure-postfix)
    FIX: pass HOME when running Bootstrapper as background job (mysql/install)
    FIX: /etc/sudoers inherited from system default (apnscp/initialize-filesystem-template)
    FIX: add MariaDB startup timeout for large InnoDB pools which could result in a cyclic restart on large servers (mysql/install)
    CHG: preserve maildrop templates (mail/maildir)
    CHG: Configuration tweaks- constrain Redis memory. Normal worker on UNIX socket. Enable reputation module. Reclassify autolearn within [-2.5, 7.5] threshold. Disable normal worker in low memory environments (rspamd)
    CHG: always use X-Spam-Score header (mail/rspamd)
    CHG: swap localmaildrop service with mailbox_transport (mail/configure-postfix)
    CHG: cleanup (mail/rspamd)
    CHG: smtpd_relay_restrictions separate subset of smtps_recipient_restrictions as of 2.10 (mail/configure-postfix)
    CHG: move to GitLab
    REM: --extra-vars save. Use "cpcmd config_set apnscp.bootstrapper var val" to permanently alter Bootstrapper parameters (common/update-config)