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  • Hephaestus Builder's avatar
    NEW: cpupin cgroup attribute. Pin a site to a set of logical CPUs with... · 1f9c7635
    Hephaestus Builder authored
    NEW: cpupin cgroup attribute. Pin a site to a set of logical CPUs with automatic rollover on unequal distribution (System\Cgroup)
    NEW: cgroup freezer support. cgroup:freeze(string $anything), cgroup:unfreeze(string $anything), cgroup:frozen(string $anything) corresponding API calls (System\Cgroup)
    NEW: freezer support (cgroup)
    CHG: Dovecot 2.3 compatibility
    REM: Ensim service value code (Util\Conf)
    REM: afi parameter on cgroup import (System\Cgroup)