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Data sets and trained ML model for ClickBait classifier

This MR consist of the following work:

  1. Datasets for ClickBait Model. All data related to Click-Bait model is stored on Kaggle along with there notebook. link to dataset

  2. Description of the dataset and Jupyter Notebook for data processing is included in this PR.

    path to Data processing Notebook: ML\Click-Bait\Utilis\CB_data_processing.ipynb

    path to Data description: ML\Click-Bait\Data\

  3. Two models were trained:

    1. simple tfidf vectorization as embedding and Multinomial Bayes classifier and simple Neural Network classifier: Accuracy 71%. link to notebook hosted on kaggle

    2. using Google news Word2Vec as embedding and LSTM Neural Networks classifier: accuracy 82%. link to notebook hosted on kaggle

    These Jupyter Notebooks are also included in this MR. ML\Click-Bait\Models\Jupyter Notebook

  4. all trained weights of these models, along with improvements, can be found on kaggle, as the output of these notebooks.

  5. accuracy matrices are printed in notebooks.

Merge request reports