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Displayed number of elections and displayed complete info of elections categorized in Total, Active, Pending and Finished elections

Mukul Kumar requested to merge MukulCode/agora-android:master into gsoc-2019

In this MR I have implemented the following changes:

  1. GET the election data and categorized that election data into Total, Active, Pending and Finished elections based on "Current Date", "Starting Date" and "Ending Date".
  2. Display the number of elections of each type on their corresponding card view on the home fragment.
  3. Created 4 activities viz, ActiveElectionsActivity, TotalElectionsActivity, PendingElectionsActivity, FinishedElectionsActivity
  4. Created a RecyclerView Adapter and an election item to which all the details will be displayed.

If the user clicks on any of the card views it will be directed to its corresponding activity and the user will be able to see the election details.

So ultimately I have displayed a number of elections on the home fragment and displayed complete info of elections categorized in Total, Active, Pending, and Finished elections

Here is the Demo

Merge request reports