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CarbonFootprint-API: Initial support for reverse-lookup of emissions

This brings inital support for reverse lookup of emissions in three categories: trees, vehicles and trains. For a given emission value, the API returns a match in the specified section which produces similar emissions. A new route /comparer is to be used for the reverse lookup.

1. Trains:

Request: { "emissions" : { "CO2": 180.205172 }, "relativeLocation": { "lat": 19.0760, "lng": 72.8777 }, "section": "trains" }

Response: { "success": true, "matches": [ { "train": "", "section": "trains", "match": { "source": "Kurla Junction", "destination": "Tilak Nagar", "passengers": 3651, "distance": 1.198 } } ] }

We need to provide a relative location in order to provide a response that is relatable to the user. A user based in the US cannot relate to comparison results from Sri lanka!

2. Trees:

Request: { "emissions" : { "CO2": 180.205172 }, "relativeLocation": { "lat": 47.6062, "lng": -122.3321 }, "section": "trees" }

Response: { "success": true, "matches": [ { "match": { "item": "Hackberry", "quantity": 30.543249491525422, "unit": "year" }, "section": "trees" } ] }

3. Vehicles

Request: { "emissions" : { "CO2": 180.205172 }, "relativeLocation": { "lat": 47.6062, "lng": -122.3321 }, "section": "vehicles" }


{ "success": true, "matches": [ { "match": { "source": "Seattle", "sourceState": "Washington", "destination": "Farmersville", "destinationState": "California", "mileage": 16.580229821693486, "distance": 1283.4377864337648 }, "section": "vehicles" } ] }

4. All categories

Request: { "emissions" : { "CO2": 180.205172 }, "relativeLocation": { "lat": 19.0760, "lng": 72.8777 }, "section": "all" }


{ "success": true, "matches": [ [ { "status": "success", "match": { "source": "Kurla Junction", "destination": "Tilak Nagar", "passengers": 3651, "distance": 1.198 }, "section": "trains" }, { "status": "success", "match": { "source": "Mumbai", "sourceState": "Maharashtra", "destination": "Barasat", "destinationState": "West Bengal", "mileage": 21.404898407496944, "distance": 1656.9043810848425 }, "section": "vehicles" }, { "status": "success", "match": { "item": "Ginkgo", "quantity": 5.090541581920904, "unit": "year" }, "section": "trees" } ] ] }

The vehicle reverse-lookup returns results for petrol vehicle by default.

The API with the given data can produce a lot of possible matches, therefore a random match is sent to the user for a variety of comparisons.

Additional requirements Please enable the Google Places API in your Google Cloud Project before testing this.

Fixes #41

Edited by Varun Chitre

Merge request reports