Btw, you can find an xref validator to use in the interim here: You'd run this before you run antora to generate the site.
The message should include enough information to be able to figure out where the broken xref is located. It's not enough just to report the basename of the source file.
We also want to address the case when the syntax of the target is invalid. We could still consider throwing an exception, but a corresponding log message should be issued that contains the details.
Indeed, logging and log level configuration would help manage the level of output required.
However, I didn't say "stop the build". I said "cause Antora to exit with a non-zero exit code." That's so that make, or other build coordination tooling, can determine whether there were errors during the run. Currently, Antora provides an exit code of 0 whether there are errors or not.
I apologize if my phrasing made it seem like I was asking for an immediate termination of the Antora process.
Indeed you didn't mention the case of invalid xref syntax, but Dan did and invalid syntax currently stops the build. I think invalid xref syntax should be reported, but not stop the build by default. Some varieties of xrefs are somewhat counterintuitive, and if you've put a lot in your e.g. converted documents you'd want a report rather than having to run the build once for each mistake.
Logging seems like a big part of the solution here in any case.
Would it be appropriate to tie the exit code to logging, e.g. logging an error will eventually result in a non-zero exit code?
I agree: all errors encountered during Antora processing should result in a non-zero exit code, whether processing stops immediately or runs to completion.
It would certainly be pleasant to be able to manage logging thresholds via playbook configuration so that stop+complain or log+defer exit were reasonable choices.
Let's also look at updating the message for includes. Currently, it's ERROR (asciidoctor): include target not found: not-found.js, but we could adjust it to target of include (directive?) not found: include::example$not-found.js[]. And no error is logged at all for image targets (we'll handle attachments when we update the target method). I can create separate issues for includes and images if your want @mojavelinux, or do we want to wait?
One open question is whether the error message should show the whole xref macro or just the target (plus fragment). While it would be nice to show as much context as possible, there are problems with showing the whole xref:
We have to recreate what the user entered from parsed data, and it may not be exactly the same
We don't know if the user entered the xref macro or xref shorthand, so we could only show it as an xref macro
The link text may be partially converted, so the user might see <strong>text</strong> instead of *text*
We don't know exactly where the additional attributes were places, such as id and role
In the end, it wouldn't be possible to do a search and replace to find the full xref macro, so perhaps it is best just to stick with showing the target (which is the subject of the message anyway).
Note that when the sourcemap option is enabled on the processor (#776 (closed)), the message will include the correct file and line number where the paragraph containing the xref macro begins. This will even work if the paragraph is inside an include file, in which case the log message will contain the include stack.
Without the sourcemap option enabled, the log message will only show the top-level file (in other words, the published page) without a line number.