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  • John Vandenberg's avatar
    BearTest: Remove urllib3's ProtocolError · dee8a5a0
    John Vandenberg authored
    When requests was undergoing frequent breakages, a `ProtocolError`
    was being raise unexpectedly when provoking a broken read scenario.
    This exception was added as an alternative as it was at least
    a predictable error occurring, allowing the remainder of the
    test method to verify the resulting behaviour of the method,
    and there were far bigger problems occurring at the time
    due to `requests` being broken several time a day.
    Depending on urllib3 for this ProtocolError is problematic,
    as requests has its own version requirements for urllib3,
    and those must take precedence over coala testing needs.
    A conflict between requests and urllib3 has broken the
    docker image.
    It seems ProtocolError is not being thrown any longer,
    and removing it bypasses the urllib3 conflict.
    Should a ProtocolError occur again, it should be
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