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[ADD] Widget title partial to AA framework

The dashboard widget titles currently have different markups each. This MR attempts to rectify this situation by adding a dashboard widget title template to the AA framework, which can be used to unify the widget title markup.


<div id="my-app-dashboard-widget" class="col-12 align-self-stretch py-2">
    <div class="card">
        <div class="card-body">
            {% translate "My Widget Title" as widget_title %}
            {% include "framework/dashboard/widget-title.html" with title=widget_title %}

                <p>My widget content</p>

Already existing dashboard widgets have been adapted in this MR as well. Documentation has been extended.

This MR also takes care of the card-body-ception we had in some widgets …

Edited by Peter Pfeufer

Merge request reports