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[deposit] Disregard allele depth for multiallelic sites with same ALT (multiple deletions)

For multiallelic sites with different deletions, the allele depth comes out wrong if the ALT is the same. This is because of decomposition and normalization of the vcf.


5	13886244	.	CAA		C	481.7	PASS	.	GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL	./1:3,10:21:99:519,126,131
5	13886244	.	CAAA	C	481.7	PASS	.	GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL	1/.:3,8:21:99:519,111,246

Solution (for now): Disregard allele depth for these sites.

TODO: Fix this in the production database.

Closes LA-1196

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