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lib4ka-rs: fix typo in extrinsics and update gitignore

Joao Alves requested to merge fix-extrinsics-typo into master

Aivero Pull Request

Describe what this PR/MR is about, what does it add, fix or improve

Fixes typo in extrinsics file and updates gitignore file

PR Review Checklist

These are based on the a variation of the boy-scout-rules.

Please make sure all of these are covered and ticked:

Unit level code smells.

Does the code smell on a unit (i.e. function) level. Confirm that all the functions are:

  • Short (max 15 lines)
  • Simple
  • Have a simple interface, no more than 4 arguments. (Argue why you couldn't simplify the interface)

Bad comments

Check the inline documentation:

  • Inline documentation that is not updated or in-sync with the code
  • Function- or module-level documentation that doesn't reflect the current workings of the fn/mod.
  • Overly extensive documentation - could the documented code be replaced with a function?

General smell of code

Check that there are none of the below:

  • Code in comments
  • Dead code
  • Long identifiers
  • Magic constants
  • No badly handled exceptions. Or in Rust, preferably no .expect or .unwrap, unless we are 100% sure the code will no fail.


  • Is there a Changelog.[adoc, md, txt]?
  • Does the changelog contain an entry documenting the changes of this MR and is the proposed version SemVer complient?


There needs to be tests, how much and which is up to the reviewer to point out.

  • Is there at least a single new test?
  • Is the new code covered by unit tests?

Merge request reports
