Update UI based on EWE 0.8.0
Background / User story
In #1317 (closed) we're upgrading EWE to 0.8.0. Starting with that version, the SDK differentiates between downloadable and non-downloadable (i.e. bundled) subscriptions. Therefore we need to make some adjustments to the UI to avoid confusion, namely due to the following:
- Bundled subscriptions cannot be updated.
- We can no longer show a "Last update" date for bundled subscriptions in the desktop settings page.
- We can no longer include information about the download status for bundled subscriptions in issue reports.
What to change
- Design: TBD
- Research: TBD
- Spec: spec!414 (merged)
- Legal: TBD
- Verify that omitting the
<subscription downloadStatus>
property from the issue report data doesn't cause any problems for the issue reporter server backend (see sitescripts).
- Verify that omitting the
Hints for testers
It should be possible to update the anti-circumvention filter list manually (both via "update all" button or via "update" button in the filter list's context menu).
Note that we don't know the homepage for some filter lists under Manifest v3, which means that no "Homepage" context menu item will be shown for those in the settings page. However, a fix for that has landed in EWE 0.8.1 (see https://gitlab.com/eyeo/adblockplus/abc/webext-sdk/-/issues/458), which we're upgrading to in #1352 (closed).
Hints for translators
Added "options_filterList_lastDownload_bundled" string. Note that the string is shown in a location that only has limited space available. Therefore we should try to keep translations short.