ELEMHIDE filters are not displayed as expected in ABP devtools tab
- OS version: TBD
- Browser version: Chrome 108, Firefox 107
- Extension version: Adblock Plus 3.15
- Last working version: TBD
Steps to reproduce
- Install ABP
- Add the following two custom filters:
testpages.adblockplus.org##div[style*="width: 203px;"]
testpages.adblockplus.org##div[style$="width: 202px;"]
testpages.adblockplus.org##div[style^="width: 201px;"]
testpages.adblockplus.org##div[style="width: 200px;"]
testpages.adblockplus.org##.testcase-examplecontent + .eh-sibling
testpages.adblockplus.org##.testcase-area > .eh-descendant
- Open page https://testpages.adblockplus.org/en/filters/element-hiding
- Open dev tools, ABP tab and reload the page
Observed behavior
Only one ELEMHIDE filter is shown at a time in the devtools panel.
Expected behavior
All elemhide filters that hit on the page should be displayed. In the case described under steps to reproduce, 12 element hiding filters are applied and should be displayed in the devtools panel.
Hints for testers
In addition to content filters, this bug also affects CSP filters, so the problem should also no longer occur for those.
Edited by Thomas Greiner