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  • Quinn Slack's avatar
    use single root package.json, do not build intermediate shared code (#936) · c4f70b57
    Quinn Slack authored
    * remove enterprise workspace (build together with webapp)
    * remove sourcegraph-extension-api workspace
    * directly import graphqlschema instead of symlinking
    * remove unneeded symlink (file now lives in this package)
    * noEmit on extensions-client-common & refer to graphql schema in webapp only
    * update paths @sourcegraph/extensions-client-common/{lib => src}
    * remove unneeded workspace for and deps from extensions-client-common
    * extensions-client-common compiles
    * update paths in browser-extensions
    * webapp compiles with ecc node_modules deleted
    * compiling after adding back ecc node_modules
    * root gulpfile working
    * mv packages/webapp -> web
    * replace "packages/webapp" with "web"
    * mv packages/browser-extensions client/browser
    * remove broken phabricator dev script
    * replace "packages/browser-extensions" with "client/browser"
    * mv packages/extensions-client-common shared
    * update paths
    * yarn.lock for browser ext
    * update paths to graphqlschema
    * tslint paths
    * LinkOrSpan
    * update gql
    * client/browser typechecks
    * client/browser tslint
    * tsconfig.json combining
    * rearrange gulpfiles
    * clean up schema gulp tasks
    * before linking a lot of deps
    * webpack build working
    * more consolidation
    * add more common deps
    * almost done w browser ext
    * WIP just tried adding base.config.ts symlinks true
    to try to fix the issues where multiple highlight.js caused hovers to fail due to no highlighting, and multiple rxjs type errors (codeintellify and sourcegraph/sourcegraph) showing up only in webpack. hypothesis is that this is due to webpack not resolving symlinks and so "seeing" multiple pkgs.
    * hovers working, fixed resolve issue, just needed to add rxjs to root package.json
    * regenerate lockfiles
    * add browser ext to procfile
    * add back builds
    * manually sync contribution.schema.json
    * import schema json files directly, no copying
    * update import paths
    * wip typescript build doc
    * move enterprise/src/ into src/ for ease of typescript build
    * wip build doc
    * wip
    * use a single root package.json
    * update yarn.lock
    * prettier
    * set up .bin symlinks
    * prettier
    * all:typecheck
    * fix
    * fix all:typecheck
    * fix schema output path
    * add back .bin links
    * fix link
    * fix gulpfiles
    * only include gulpfile in root tsconfig
    * clean up gulpfiles
    * generate
    * fix node_modules paths in webpack
    * sort
    * simplify tsconfig
    * ignore generated files
    * fix bundlesize paths
    * fix enterprise build
    * fix tsconfigs
    * fix back tsconfigs
    * fix
    * TMP
    * fix path
    * TIP
    * WIP
    * transpileonly in tests because we have already typechecked it
    * fix browser ext test
    * remove browser ext from procfile for now
    * fix enterprise paths
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