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Tag for release: jetty-9.4.39.v20210325

 + 6034 SslContextFactory may select a wildcard certificate during SNI
   selection when a more specific SSL certificate is present
 + 6050 Websocket: NotUtf8Exception after upgrade 9.4.35 -> 9.4.36 or newer
 + 6052 Cleanup TypeUtil and ModuleLocation to allow jetty-client/hybrid to
   work on Android
 + 6063 Allow override of hazelcast version when using module
 + 6072 jetty server high CPU when client send data length > 17408
 + 6085 Jetty keeps Sessions in use after "Duplicate valid session cookies"
 + 6101 Normalise ambiguous URIs
 + 6102 Exclude webapps directory from deployment scan