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jetty-9.4.29.v20200507 - 07 May 2020
 + 2188 Lock contention creating HTTP/2 streams
 + 4235 communicate the reason of failure to the OpenID error page
 + 4695 HttpChannel recycling in h2
 + 4764 HTTP2 Jetty Server does not send back content-length
 + 4778 Enforcing SNI when there are only non-wildcards certificates
 + 4787 Make org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpRequest's host name writable
 + 4798 Better handling of fatal Selector failures
 + 4814 Allow a ConnectionFactory (eg SslConnectionFactory) to automatically
   add a Customizer
 + 4820 Jetty OSGI DefaultJettyAtJettyHomeHelper refers to non-existent
   config file
 + 4835 GzipHandler and GzipHttpOutputInterceptor do not flush response
   when body is empty