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jetty-9.4.25.v20191220 - 20 December 2019

 + 995 UrlEncoded.encodeString should skip more characters
 + 2195 Add parameter expansion to start.jar --exec parameters
 + 3512 File descriptor is not released after zip file uploaded via
 + 3730 WebSocketClient constructor cleanup (and deprecations)
 + 4269 ResponseWriter should not throw RuntimeIOExceptions
 + 4323 QOS Filter does not handle IllegalStateException and never releases
 + 4329 rewrite prevents URL session tracking.
 + 4331 Improve handling of HttpOutput.close() for pending writes
 + 4350 Deprecated MultiPartInputStreamParser still used in jetty-server
   (MultiPartsUtilParser) but OSGi ExportPackage suppressed
 + 4351 Servlet.service called before Servlet.init is finished when servlet is
   lazily initialized
 + 4363 jetty-maven-plugin no longer processes supplied context.xml-file.
 + 4366 HTTP client uses SOCKS4 proxy hostname for SSL hostname verification
 + 4374 Jetty client: Response.AsyncContentListener.onContent is not called
 + 4376 Async Content Complete bug results in Async closed
 + 4385 Limit new UnsupportedOperationException to direct base class
   SslContextFactory usage
 + 4392 Suppress logging of QuietException in HttpChannelState.asyncError()
 + 4402 NPE in JettyRunWarExplodedMojo
 + 4411 Jetty server spins on incomplete request due to delayed dispatch
   until content
 + 4415 GzipHandler invalid input zip size on large
   (over 2,147,483,647 bytes) request body content
 + 4421 HttpClient support for PROXY protocol
 + 4427 Retried HttpClient Requests can result in duplicates cookies