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jetty-10.0.0.alpha2 - 23 March 2020

 + 228 HTTP session can be automatically (re)created after session invalidation
   under race conditions
 + 847 Setting async timeout on WebSocketClient does not seem to timeout writes
 + 2195 Add parameter expansion to start.jar --exec parameters
 + 2620 Exception from user endpoint onClose results in unclosed
 + 2643 Switch SslContextFactory.keystoreType from `JKS` to `PKCS12`
 + 2788 Graceful close of HTTP/2 Connection
 + 2896 Wrong Certificate Selected When Using Multiple Virtual Host Names in
 + 3185 Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11 for Jetty 10.0.x
 + 3247 Generate jetty-maven-plugin website
 + 3385 Modernize jetty-util-ajax
 + 3512 File descriptor is not released after zip file uploaded via
 + 3537 Bootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/2
 + 3578 Adopt EPL-2.0 for Jetty-10
 + 3730 WebSocketClient constructor cleanup (and deprecations)
 + 3924 Deprecate Resource.writeTo(OutputStream, long, long)
 + 3953 Client configuration for direct/heap ByteBuffers
 + 4148 Cannot configure maxFrameSize with javax websockets.
 + 4225 Fix JPMS transitivity
 + 4226 WebSocketCoreSession leaks into JPMS exported classes
 + 4238 how to pass jetty properties into OSGI for xml configuration
 + 4247 Cookie security attributes are going to mandated by Google Chrome
 + 4269 ResponseWriter should not throw RuntimeIOExceptions
 + 4315 Jetty-10 WebSocketSession stopped twice by SessionTracker
 + 4321 Review Graceful shutdown in jetty-10
 + 4323 QOS Filter does not handle IllegalStateException and never releases
 + 4329 rewrite prevents URL session tracking.
 + 4331 Improve handling of HttpOutput.close() for pending writes
 + 4341 sending WebSocket frames modifies the payload ByteBuffer
 + 4349 Verify WebSocket client behaviour for negotiation of internal
 + 4350 Deprecated MultiPartInputStreamParser still used in jetty-server
   (MultiPartsUtilParser) but OSGi ExportPackage suppressed
 + 4351 Servlet.service called before Servlet.init is finished when servlet is
   lazily initialized
 + 4360 Upgrade to Apache Jasper 8.5.49
 + 4361 Update jetty-10.0.x to apache jasper 9.0.29
 + 4363 jetty-maven-plugin no longer processes supplied context.xml-file.
 + 4366 HTTP client uses SOCKS4 proxy hostname for SSL hostname verification
 + 4368 Review need for MultiParts interface in jetty-10
 + 4369 Review jsp configuration params for jetty-10
 + 4374 Jetty client: Response.AsyncContentListener.onContent is not called
 + 4376 Async Content Complete bug results in Async closed
 + 4382 Support HTTP/1 upgrade to HTTP/2 in HttpClient
 + 4383 Errors deleting multipart tmp files java.lang.NullPointerException
   under heavy load
 + 4385 Limit new UnsupportedOperationException to direct base class
   SslContextFactory usage
 + 4392 Suppress logging of QuietException in HttpChannelState.asyncError()
 + 4401 Cannot use javax.websocket client from within web app
 + 4402 NPE in JettyRunWarExplodedMojo
 + 4407 Javax WebSocket annotations not being used as default EndpointConfig
 + 4408 Javax WebSocket encoder/decoders not working in jetty 10.0.x
 + 4411 Jetty server spins on incomplete request due to delayed dispatch until
 + 4415 GzipHandler invalid input zip size on large (over 2,147,483,647 bytes)
   request body content
 + 4421 HttpClient support for PROXY protocol
 + 4427 Retried HttpClient Requests can result in duplicates cookies
 + 4432 Implement ServletContext.set/getSessionTimeout
 + 4433 Implement ServletContext.addJspFile
 + 4434 Implement ServletContext.get/setRequestCharacterEncoding and
 + 4443 Track backport of ALPN APIs to Java 8
 + 4444 TLS Connection Timeout Intermittently
 + 4447 websocket module should be split into separate modules for jetty and
   javax APIs (Jetty-10)
 + 4450 websocket-core is exposing internal classes
 + 4459 Move multipart classes to jetty-server
 + 4460 Provide a parameterless CustomRequestLog
 + 4461 IllegalStateException in HttpOutput with Jersey
 + 4462 WebSocketSession.close() calls onWebSocketClose() with lock held
 + 4475 WebSocket JSR356 implementation not honoring javadoc of MessageHandler
   on Whole<Reader>
 + 4495 Review ReservedThreadExecutor's concurrency model
 + 4501 Review the need for SharedBlockingCallback in jetty-10
 + 4502 respond to close frame with custom close code in jetty-10 websocket
 + 4504 X-Forwarded-Server header overwrites X-Forwarded-Host
 + 4505 Servlet 4 get/setInitParameter() and get/setAttribute() must throw NPE
   if arg is null
 + 4506 Servlet 4 metadata-complete=true should skip introspection of
 + 4507 Servlet 4  instrument request attributes for
   forward,include and async
 + 4520 Jetty jdbc session manager causing exceptions for violating primary key
   in inserting session in the table
 + 4529 ErrorHandler showing servlet info, can not be disabled unless
   overriding most of its functionality
 + 4533 Reinstate hard close in dispatcher
 + 4537 High CPU on Jetty Websocket thread
 + 4538 review WebSocket MessageWriter and MessageReader
 + 4540 ProxyConnectionFactory should not ignore TLVs
 + 4541 Jetty server always allocates maximum response header size
 + 4548 duplicated classes between jetty and javax websocket implementations
 + 4550 XmlConfiguration constructor selection based on number of arguments
 + 4562 Remove deprecated jetty-runner
 + 4567 Jetty logging supporting Throwable as last argument
 + 4571 review performance of websocket MessageSink classes in jetty-10
 + 4572 Replace Jetty Logging
 + 4573 Order dependency of X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Port
 + 4575 Stopping ReservedThreadExecutor may hang
 + 4577 request getPathInfo returns null
 + 4581 Remove javadoc for overridden methods
 + 4594 ServletContextListeners added to _destroyServletContextListeners in
   ContextHandler::startContext() are not removed by
 + 4598 Add URI mapping to InetAccessHandler
 + 4606 DateCache.formatNow(long now) does not honor the passed in long
 + 4612 ReservedThreadExecutor hangs when the last reserved thread idles out
 + 4619 Inconsistent library versions notice.
 + 4620 Using console-capture with StdErrLog results in empty log file
 + 4628 Add support for conditional module dependencies in jetty-start
 + 4631 Startup XmlConfiguration WARN on Arg threadpool
 + 4644 no injection of env-entry if env-entry-value is whitespace only or
 + 4645 Empty "X-Forwarded-Port" header results in NumberFormatException
 + 4647 Hazelcast  remote.xml configuration file do not configure hazelcast
   remote addresses
 + 4650 websocket: loading services when accepting a new connection
 + 4656 XmlConfiguration cleanup
 + 4657 Configure_10_0.dtd should be validated in jetty-xml
 + 4671 CustomRequestLog throws NullPointerException when no request cookie is
 + 4673 Short reads break form-data multipart parsing
 + 4676 ALPN support for Java 15
 + 4685 jetty-util must not depend on jetty-slf4j-impl
 + 4691 Use MethodHandles.lookup() consistently in WebSocket code