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Release 20211201

* NixOS
  - update to 21.11 and merge some services
  - add aria2-ng overlay
  - only use rime in fcitx5 due to fcitx5 is updated
  - update i3lock-color options names
  - add overlay for xmonad 0.17.0
* Home-manager
  - add matrix client, fractal
  - add tree alias
* Emacs
  - add agda
  - add calc config
  - use org-contrib in non gnu instead of org-plus-contrib
  - add tex output dir
  - mu4e only startups in daemon
  - change keybinds
    - org-ql
    - rust
    - haskell
    - ss
* XMonad
  - add easy motion
  - change import style
  - change some keybinds such as screen locker