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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.5.0
    a24a30e6 · 🔖 version 1.5.0 ·
    version 1.5.0
  • 1.4.0
    8dd2a66d · 💚 repair ci ·
    # 1.4.0 - released 21/03/2023
    - [feature] Build for Ubuntu Touch 20.04 Focal thanks @deathmist
  • 1.3.0
    cc3dba61 · 🔖 version 1.3.0 ·
    # 1.3.0 - released 17/03/2023
    - [i18n] Add swedish translation thanks @christianemanuelsson
    - [bug] Sometimes app freeze on start
    - [bug] Clear queue crash app
    - [bug] Sometimes song don't start
    - [bug] Release media-hub when futify stop
    - [bug] Sometimes song don't auto-play
  • 1.2.0
    # 1.2.0 - released 21/03/2022
    - [feature] Add podcasts in home and search pages
    - [i18n] Updated dutch translation thanks @Vistaus
    - [i18n] Updated hungarian translation thanks @Lundrin
    - [i18n] Add german translation thanks @Schmuel
    - [i18n] Add spanish translation thanks @raptopassion
    - [bug] Display section in home page only if there is something to display (no shows = no section)
    - [dep] Update to latest spotify client
  • 1.1.0
    cb5bc190 · 🔖 release 1.1.0 ·
    # 1.1.0 - released 01/03/2022
    - [feature] Add a repeat button on the Player view thanks @discoverti
    - [feature] Add a contributors section in about page
    - [feature] Add translations mecanism
    - [i18n] Add french translation
    - [i18n] Add hungarian translation thanks @Lundrin
    - [i18n] Add dutch translation thanks @Vistaus
    - [bug] Avoid duplicate song in "Recently Play" thanks @discoverti
    - [bug] Start album and playlist directly in search result (right action)
  • 1.0.1
    `1.0.1`: launch album in home crash app
  • 1.0.0
    673f236d · 💚 repair armhf build ·
    First release on open-store