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  • Bobby Graese's avatar
    Large update I should have committed in smaller chunks · 90cc92ef
    Bobby Graese authored
    Large update to the frontend to make use of the websocket API instead of
    the REST-based API.  I think there may be some downsides to doing things
    this way, but there should be a lot of upsides, too:
    * Upload progress now works properly (though I introduced a non-standard
      method to the websocket to allow this)
    * Requests should be quicker in general since we already have the
      connection open
    * I'm more likely to update the websocket API, since upstream has
      decided on a websocket-based API
    Everything seems to be working well so far.  Game list with
    upload/download/boot/trash, status page, and memory viewer are all
    working.  Patches not going through websocket yet, and still need to
    update ZeldaHUD and SMW cheats.