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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • bugbuild
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
    Issues at compilation
  • bugcrash
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
    The game segfaults or otherwise crashes or hangs
  • bugUX
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
    Anything that hinders the gameplay or the user experience in general
  • bugvisual
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
    Anything to do with textures or graphics in general. Does not hinder gameplay
  • bugunconfirmed
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
    May or may not be a bug. Maintainers have yet to see a case of it, or couldn't reproduce
  • documentation
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • enhancement
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • Other labels

  • 64b
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
    (usually bugs) related to the porting to 64-bits architectures, and does not happen in 32-bits builds. (integers to pointer casts and what-not)
  • CI
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • chore
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
    Misc things not directly related to the source code
  • duplicate
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • invalid
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • platformLinux
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • platformWindows
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • platformmacOS
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • question
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
  • sanitizers
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate
    A bug/crash that only happens with sanitizers on. This is 99% a real issue, but gets optimized away in release mode, so it's not a blocker
  • wontfix
    HomeworldSDL / Tenhauser Gate