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  • Joshua Kwan's avatar
    Tons and tons of end to end integration work · 88f18581
    Joshua Kwan authored
    - Copy init script from Perforce
    - Create new and which sets up everything for running
      TAF on the same machine. Add setup.cfg.example which is a template for
      setup.cfg. Users will run make setup (1st time) and make deploy
    - Fix more copyright stuff
    - Revise README to reflect the fact that TAF is now freestanding
    - In Converter, make the path to the internal DS path customizable from
      the init script. We need this because it is no longer guaranteed to be
      /home/user/packages. NB: Once the internal and system stores have been
      created, you need to drop them from the database to get them recreated
      with the system paths.
    - All over the java code, rely on the emitted / configurable properties
      files to store information that's read from setup.cfg, rather than
      properties files that are built into the JAR.
    - Stop tagging all the builds as 'dev'. This is a 1.0 open source
      release, dagnabit!
    - Fix cifsmount dependency.
    - Fix use of deprecated WebOb match_accept function. Replaced with
    - Tie down WebTest and WebOb versions as higher versions are
      incompatible with Pylons 1.0. Perhaps Pylons should be bumped soon,
      but not worrying about that right now.
    - Removed unused thrift05 dependency for workpool-thrift which is dead.
    - Dummy out CWS expiry client code in the webui.
      _cwsClient.getLicenseExpirationDate() always returns null now. It
      could be further cleaned up, but that's for later.
    - In the UI, soft disable the Easy Install mode by disabling the radio
    - Use Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver") in the workpool-java code
      to load the postgresql JDBC driver. Why did it work before without
      this? Who knows.
    - Wrong unzipsfx.exe being downloaded. Fix it to Win32.
    - Use mingw64 to build setoption.exe and setproxy.exe, and as C code
      instead of C++ code
    - Bump WebOb for a bug fix, requiring us to bump Pylons for a bug fix,
      requiring us to bump WebTest as a dependency.