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MagmaNeighbours Archived

MagmaNeighbours GitLab repository

An alpha version of our internal magma code fragments is available on GitLab

The following algorithms are currently available:

  • TwoNeighbours: computes the genus of a lattice. (Gilles)
  • SearchExtremalLattice: searches for an extremal lattice in a genus, discards all other lattices. (Gilles)
  • RationalMass: computes the exact Maß of a lattice. (Ivica)
  • RootSystemPos: checks whether a given lattice is reflective or not. (Ivica)


git pull


To load the algorithms into MAGMA, simply load the .spec file with the AttachSpec function.

Install / Autoload

To load the spec file at startup, do the following:

  • bash: add the following line to your .bashrc file (in your home directory) export MAGMA_USER_SPEC="$HOME/path/Neighbours.spec"

  • csh and tcsh: add the following line to your .cshrc file (in your home directory) setenv MAGMA_USER_SPEC "$HOME/path/Neighbours.spec"