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Modified ArgumenthelperBuilder to not include empty strings, added server on different ports test

Alvaro Reina Benitez requested to merge integration_test_changes into master
  • Modified the ArgumentHelperBuilder to not add an empty network interface, it caused an error on Windows as the process builder omits empty args in this platform(JDK unresolved issue from 2007).

    • Input: new ProcessBuilder("java", "-jar", "servers/hello_sila/target/hello_sila-exec.jar", "-p", "50059", "-n", "")
    • Linux output: Server started without specifying a network interface, discovery is not enabled.
    • Windows output: usage: Hello SiLA Server [-h] [-p PORT] [-n NETWORKINTERFACE] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-l {yes,no}] [-e {yes,no}] Hello SiLA Server: error: argument -n/--networkInterface: expected one argument
  • Added a new test: Runs a server and stops it, then tries to run a server with the same configuration on a different port. It appears that the manager is not able to find it the second time but I'm not sure that my implementation is correct.

Depends on: !173 (merged)

Edited by Timothy Diguiet

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